July 2021 update
Momentum, a unique movement and breathwork experience, 6.15 pm Saturday 31 July 2021 (tickets available here)
Breathe Australia Conference, 18 to 21 November - Sydney (register here)
Private online and in-person breathwork sessions, evenings 5.30pm to 7.30pm, Fridays from 9am and Saturday between 9 and 12pm (book here)
Welcome to Transition Breath's July 2021 update.
Expanding and contracting - breathing in and breathing out. This natural rhythm within our breath is a rhythm seen across the Universe. There is this video, which is a perfect example of this pattern of expansion and contraction in the natural world. I cannot help but imagine similar rhythms playing out throughout our solar system and our galaxy.
Of course, our human mind (otherwise known as the ego) is quite skilled at disrupting this pattern. The other day at work I was rushed to a last minute meeting with a group of senators, and whilst I sat amongst them I came to realise I was in total fight and flight mode. Sharp and shallow breaths, followed by moments of breath holding, with eyes wide open like an animal in the headlights. My cognitive functions were in disarray and I was completely disembodied. Then I had that reminder, just breathe...
That moment of realisation and then everything changes. My nervous system, through my breath, moves back into resonance with the natural rhythm of life - expanding and contracting, breathing in and letting go.
Rhythmic patterning in our breath also occurs within our bodies. It's in nature, and in music. It's probably not surprising when you embrace all these elements into a breathwork session some pretty powerful experiences unfold. A moment of pure joy and ecstasy, mixed with exhaustion, fear and pain. Followed by sadness, happiness and love. The spectrum of human experiences all felt within a few brief moments.
By using conscious-connecting breathing, we activate energy in our bodies. Through movement, we support that energy's expression. With music, we create an environment that quietens the mind and enables the body to access the power of rhythm.
These elements will be combined in an upcoming special breathwork and movement event called Momentum (more info available here). This time, Amber and I team up with Lisa from Freedom to Breathe. Three breathwork practitioners holding space for a group of people to journey inwards using movement and their breath. The session starts at 6.15pm until 9.15pm, on Saturday 31 July 2021 at our usual home, Flow Yoga Canberra.
Hope to see you there.
Big love,